Thread Lifts Care Instructions Hero
Thread Lift Treatment Care Toronto


Pre - Thread Lift Procedure Instructions


Pre - Thread Lift Procedure Instructions

It is recommended that you do not use aspirin, Ginko Biloba, Aleve, Vitamin E, Ibuprofen, or St. John’s Wort 5-7 days before your procedure.

If you have a history of cold sores, please ensure that you let Dr. Bector know at least 10 days prior to the procedure so that he can prescribe a medication to prevent an outbreak.

If you are taking prescription medications that include blood thinners like Coumadin or Plavix, be sure to mention this to Dr. Bector during your consultation.

It is a good idea to eat a small meal before the procedure so that you do not feel like headed.

Taking a Tylenol 60 minutes before your procedure will help with discomfort or swelling post procedure.

Thread Lift Post Procedure Instructions

Thread Lift Doctor - Post Procedure Care

Thread Lift Post Procedure Care Instructions

Post Treatment Care after a Facial Thread Lift

Post Treatment Care after a Facial Thread Lift

You may use a cold pack on the face immediately after the procedure to bring down any swelling that has occurred. Be sure that the cold pack is wrapped to avoid direct contact with the skin and the insertion points.

Make-up should not be worn for 24 hours post procedure.

You may use Tylenol immediately after the procedure and other pain killers, like Advil or Motrin, 3 days after the procedure.

It is beneficially to sleep face up for 5 days post procedure.

For 5 days do not message or rub the face while washing. Be gentle.

Avoid over exposure to sunlight and UV light for at least 2 weeks.

Avoid excessive face and neck movements for 2 weeks.

Avoid high impact sports for 2 weeks.

Do not use the Sauna for 3 weeks post procedure.

Avoid dental surgery for 3 weeks post procedure.

Avoid facial or face-down massages and facial aesthetic treatments for 4 weeks.